Year one registration
The child must be 6 years old (on the day of the beginning of the school which is counted from 1st September every year) in order to get a place in year one. The first and most important criterion is the date of the handed in application form of the child. Signed applications mean that parents are familiar with and accept the rules of the school.
IMPORTANT- Parents are obliged to inform the school secretariat in the event of changed contact details (address, phone number, email). Parents, whose children have received place in the school, will be informed about that by a letter with a request to pay a non-refundable deposit. The letter is sent one year in advance for example; if a child gets a place in the first class in 2016/17, parents will be informed about that in autumn 2015. If we do not receive payment of the deposit by the given deadline the child will be removed from the list.
Enrolment for the first class in years 2017/18; 2018/19 is finished. We do are not accepting more application forms.